"Did you see the moon out there?" I asked.
"Yup", he replied, "and I saw moon shadows too!"
I ran to the door just to see and I am glad I took the time.

It took me back. Way back. Back to when she was a little girl. She was my friend and she was also my favorite "moodshadow" companion. She was the one that would take the time to ask me to go out for a little walk at night when the moon was bright. I'm glad I took the time.
Walking at night is especially enjoyable when the moon is full and bright and casts your shadow far out ahead of you. When your eyes get used to the night, it is no longer dark, but beamy. The radiant moon luminates the world in a way very different from the sun. It's exciting and interesting and a new way to look at ordinary things. And then there are the moon shadows. Long and tall and strange; sometimes eerie or ghost-like, but always a delight to discover. Moon shadow tag? I am glad I took the time.