We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Todd and Julie's home in Colorado last week.
Here is their ranch under a spectacular blue sky on one of the many lovely days we spent there. This is their house, garage and newly constructed horse barn. The home is beautiful with its vaulted ceilings, brightly painted rooms and unique open staircase. (All appropriately decorated with photos of its occupants engaging in a variety of "extremely" dangerous sports as well as an antiquated pair of Phil's zebra-striped-skiis from the 70's.)

We celebrated Thanksgiving Day by watching the Packers win at the neighbor's home. Mimi was so rowdy that she attracted the attention of several other "neighbors".

Our Thanksgiving Dinner was on Friday and included all of the customary dishes.

The best part was sharing the day with not only Julie, Todd and Mimi but also with Amy DesRochers, Shane and their puppy Jasper. While we feasted Caleb and Jasper wore themselves out with all of their their playing. Phil and Todd installed their new dishwasher

while Amy got some knitting tips from Mimi.

Saturday included a hike in the fresh mountain air with Mimi setting the pace and Phil snapping photos on his new digital camera!

Saturday evening's full moon was one more gift from God; The One Who put this entire beautiful scene together... Suitably, we spent the evening under the moon soaking in the healing mineral waters at Sulphur Springs. What a way to mellow out...

Our visit ended as it began with Phil planning his next trip to Colorado..... and another Rocky Mountain High.