Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday visitors...

We were surprised by not one, but two, different young bucks that came through our yard. We had to keep the dogs inside while we enjoyed these beautiful deer.
They may have been scared out of the forest by hunters that had gone in the early morning on their relentless pursuit of these beautiful creatures.
Too young! Please leave these guys alone... They are still curious and unaware and perfectly lovely as they move around; exploring the planters, bird-feeders and shrubbery... Let me enjoy them a little longer. Perhaps they are the twins that were raised by a young doe which would pass through our neighborhood on a daily basis three short years ago!

These whitetail deer are just an example of the species that is Wisconsin's state animal. Male whitetails re-grow their antlers every year. Bucks less than two years of age typically have short spiked antlers. However the number of points or thickness of the antlers do not determine the age of a buck. Antlers begin to grow in late spring, covered with "velvet" which they rub off on the trees in their habitat. These Bucks have a symmetrical antler arrangement. They are the same on both sides and the points grow straight up off the main beam. Antlers are a coveted "trophy" for hunters.
This is their mating season, or "rut'. The bucks use these antlers to mark their territory by rubbing on trees and occasionaly to fight with other males. Bucks shed their antlers when all females have been bred, from late December to February.
We hope they come a visit again!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Karen...

Don't be too shy to have yourself a Happy Day!!
Go ahead and live it up...

Sunday, November 09, 2008

More pictures...

Mommy and Baby...

The dangling burp trick...

Resting up...

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Elodie Ruth...

Introducing our beautiful new granddaughter, Elodie Ruth.
A picture is worth a thousand words...

Monday, November 03, 2008


I can't think of a lovlier place to be "waiting" than in the mountains of Colorado. ...Waiting for a baby, that is.Julie was a wonderfully good sport and didn't even consider sitting around. While waiting out the days past her "due" date we kept busy enjoying bright blue skies and unseasonably warm days. After going out to lunch one day we hiked the peninsula in Lake Dillon. Another day we walked around Lower Cataract Lake. (Which, by the way, will also be an ideal spot for fishing and picnicking some day! ) The walk around the lake (probably 2 miles roundtrip) crossed the falls and Cataract Creek at the far end of the lake. The falls dropped down the cliffs to the creek and splashed over rocks and under a bridge making a fun place for the dogs (and us) to play.
A couple of the days we just walked around the block in her neighborhood or relaxed in the sun on her big front porch. As usual, we went one day to Hot Sulpher Springs where we soaked in the relaxing hot mineral springs that overlook the Colorado River. Reluctant to leave, we stayed until after dark!

You can't escape the costume party if you are with Julie and Todd at Halloween! It was hard to choose from their selection of costumes, but I finally settled on being a "cow" - udder and all! Julie went as a clown and Todd was a Pabst afficianado with an afro... go figger...

My visit was made complete with a visit from Aimee and her pup Jasper. After spending a great day with Jewels together, I took her up on her generous offer to drive me to the airport! Aim, you made my day and what a great opportunity to get caught up. Thanks so much...
Nope, no baby yet. But we sure hope she comes soon! We are all so anxious to meet her! As I write this I remember how many weeks I was "overdue" with my first baby girl.
And I also remember that old lady that pronounced so glibly to me: "When the apple's ripe, it'll fall!"
Yeah, right, lady!!!!!!