Owen met his "baby sister" for the first time... but was most interested in hugging his Mommy

There was much excitement and anticipation as we waited for their arrival home from the "hotsipal". Soon enough they came through the door and we welcomed them home; Rachel, Roger and their baby, Gabriella Grace. It was Christmas morning and we all felt as though we had received the sweetest kind of gift... reminding us of the gift that God gave us on that first Christmas so long ago... We sang Happy Birthday to Gabby, and we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus - at Owen's prompting.
Here is Owen welcoming his baby sister home.

We enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner of turkey and all the trimmings...
and before we could get the dishes done, Roger and Owen were tearing into the presents! (Our family tradition lets the youngest go first and they sure did!)

Here are Roger and Owen showing off their matching Father-Son Vikings pants.

Rachel and MaryBeth were next,
with the rest of us opening ours last - but certainly not least!
Thank you one and all for the nice gifts. We are thankful for the thoughtfulness and generosity of our children (and of Mimi too). They have continued to shower us with love and gifts - time after time - year after year! We love the Memory book that captures highlights from our lives together. It will be a cherished album. Thank you!
Owen enjoyed playing with his many new toys...

Owen enjoyed playing with his many new toys...

Thank you for the Tonka digger, Aunt Lori. It is like Grampa's!