Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Baby Boy Update... or "5 Little Boys"

"Little Boy Loved" with his Mommy.
"Little Boy Sleepy" in Mommy's arms.

" Little Boy Cuddly" with Great Aunt Dianne:

"Little Boy Spoiled"? Never...

" Little Boy Growing Up" before our very eyes!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The heirloom baby crib...

He always knew that he wanted to make the little bed that our grandchildren would sleep in. It is something that he thought about for a long time. I encouraged him to go ahead and do it soon after we found out that we were to become grandparents!

Knowing that it had to be special, he planned to include the art of rosemaling as well as careful woodworking. Here he is at work on the rosemaling that will enhance the ends of the beautiful new crib.

Maple is the wood that he chose; carefully cutting, shaping, sanding and gluing it together. He spent many evenings in his wood shop, hoping that it would be perfect... hoping that it would please his family.
Putting on the final touches and fitting it with the hardware, the baby crib was lovingly completed just in time for some VERY special company! It turned out prettier than any of us could have imagined. Owen and his Mommy loved it.

Thank you, Grandpa Phil.

Love, Owee

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The friend that I prayed for...

Soon after moving here 30 years ago I began praying for a friend. Living in the country as I was; a young mom with a busy husband, I knew I needed companionship ...and fun. My answer burst on the scene at Christmas time when all the neighbors were gathered for a cookie exchange. Late, breathless, effusing apologies and carrying her still-warm chocolate chip cookies on the sheet right out of the oven, Florence made her typical "grand entrance". Elegant, radiant and (I found out later) brilliant, she walked into my life and single-handedly became the answer to my prayer. Her first words to me were, "I just got saved, and I want to tell everyone about it!" It is a zeal that she carries to this day.
God, in his wisdom, gave us each other to weather life's storms together. Raising kids, losing parents, watching our husbands struggle in their businesses and paying off the debt. Raising our teenagers, playing "church", seeking God's face and digging into his Word. Desiring God's will, seeing our big brothers lose their battles with cancer, giving our daughters in marriage and watching their relationships dissolve in bitter tears... She cries on my shoulder and I cry on hers... God smiles.
Florence rescues turtles from the highway and chipmunks from the very jaws of predatory cats. She bakes bread and brews a wonderful cup of tea. She sets an elegant table, with real cloth napkins, and actually uses her finest imported china. She speaks articulately, asks probing questions and then ...she listens. She encourages me. She builds me up. She spurs me on to do good deeds. She makes me think. And, without fail, Florence makes me laugh! Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The untale of the Sloth,,, or look who's goofing off.

Looking pleased and flanked by Rippling Stream and Babbling Brook in this undated photo, I was unaware of the vast changes about to occur. [Of course, RS and BB have different hair color now, but that isn't the change we are talking about.] The thought of morphing into a slug never occurred to me! But alas, it appears to be coming true. Slothful ways are setting in.
RS has been up since before dawn, has done her devotions, taken a jog in the rain with her hubby, cleaned her house, done her laundry, opened all her windows for the fresh air, prepared food for her household and gone to work. (All that after a busy day yesterday of caring for her grandchild and dear elderly mother.)
In another corner of the world, BB ran a mile on the treadmill in preparation for a 5K run, rode her bicycle for 8 miles, stretched with Yoga and Pilates, showered, took the car for an oil change and, after doing her devotions, wrote a smashing sermon for Sunday. Before the day is over she will spend four hours at the nursing home encouraging the elderly, will provide communion to the homebound and cap off her day with a rousing game of Ultimate Frisbee until dark. (No wonder she has "abs"!)
On the other hand... I promised myself I would be out of my pajamas and write something on my blog before noon. Well, I didn't make it... for three out of four days.