Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The friend that I prayed for...

Soon after moving here 30 years ago I began praying for a friend. Living in the country as I was; a young mom with a busy husband, I knew I needed companionship ...and fun. My answer burst on the scene at Christmas time when all the neighbors were gathered for a cookie exchange. Late, breathless, effusing apologies and carrying her still-warm chocolate chip cookies on the sheet right out of the oven, Florence made her typical "grand entrance". Elegant, radiant and (I found out later) brilliant, she walked into my life and single-handedly became the answer to my prayer. Her first words to me were, "I just got saved, and I want to tell everyone about it!" It is a zeal that she carries to this day.
God, in his wisdom, gave us each other to weather life's storms together. Raising kids, losing parents, watching our husbands struggle in their businesses and paying off the debt. Raising our teenagers, playing "church", seeking God's face and digging into his Word. Desiring God's will, seeing our big brothers lose their battles with cancer, giving our daughters in marriage and watching their relationships dissolve in bitter tears... She cries on my shoulder and I cry on hers... God smiles.
Florence rescues turtles from the highway and chipmunks from the very jaws of predatory cats. She bakes bread and brews a wonderful cup of tea. She sets an elegant table, with real cloth napkins, and actually uses her finest imported china. She speaks articulately, asks probing questions and then ...she listens. She encourages me. She builds me up. She spurs me on to do good deeds. She makes me think. And, without fail, Florence makes me laugh! Thank you, Lord!

1 comment:

Seeker said...

What a great friend. Praise the Lord.