Sunday, January 28, 2007


In spite of several lost retainers, (and searches through garbage bins and swimming pool filters)...
In spite of a few broken wires due to eating hard candy, carmel corn and apples...
In spite of the mess made because of our inability to abstain from chewing gum...
In spite of many trips back for more wax to protect tender cheeks and lips...

An investment in Orthodontia - only $7,500.00 for 5 people! (Average cost $1500)

The return on the investment - Priceless!
Smiles, Smiles, Smiles!
"Thanks, Dad!"


Rachel's Family said...

Thanks to you too mom for driving me to all the appointments...even when I had to give you directions on how to get there!

Seeker said...

140 pearly whites..... PRICELESS.

p.s. Phil's teeth are just naturally beautiful.