Sunday, May 20, 2007

Two and a half hours later...

It was worth it after all!
Thanks, Mom, for not letting me quit when I wanted to!

Thanks to my many faithful supporters!
(...some of whom were willing to sit for two hours
while 1400 names were read,
only one of whom they knew!)

Special guests came to our house on Saturday to celebrate the graduation and to enjoy the lovely
Saturday weather.

Nothing quite like a spring afternoon on the porch!


Seeker said...

Yes, it was worth it. And I'm so proud of you, Sis!

Corry said...

What an accomplishment!! CONGRATULATIONS! :-)

God's Grace.

Anonymous said...

MM, I know that it took energy, intelligence, patience and perseverance -- and that was just to get thru the ceremony :-)

I hope you are still glowing from the achievement!


Sara Wicht said...

Congratulations to you! I hope your ceremony was one that you will always remember.
big hug!